My lifes motto, my lifes working formula
“Life is an echo, whatever you give , will come back”
I strongly believe in this motto and it is this principle that has guided my every action.
I truly believe that through my training program, I can give back to society what society has given me, throughout my memorable and satisfying career. The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and that is the underlying principle of my coaching program.
To build a strong future, having the right attitude is the key. One should be fearless and positive towards the promising future. Team work and communication skills play a pivotal role in deciding your tomorrow. Last but not the least, having gratitude and compassion for fellow beings is the cardinal step to success.
Areas in which training could be imparted:
General Banking
Credit Appraisal
Working Capital Assessment
Term Loan Assessment
Financial Statement Analysis
Preventive Vigilance
Fraud risk management
Marketing & Selling Skills
Team Building
Time Management
Stress Management
Goal Setting
Listening Skills
Decision Making
Inter Personal Skills
Managing Anger
Leadership Skills
Managing Conflict
Customer Service and Customer Interaction
KYC and Anti-money laundering guidelines
Discipline Management-Departmental Enquiry
Communication and Presenting Skills
for group training sessions or individual tutoring needs